You are invited to participate in this special time of worship and celebration. Please RSVP below.
The Right Reverend Darryl Fitzwater Jr. will be invested as the third Bishop for the Missionary Diocese of All Saints on the Feast Day of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer Friday, March 21 at 6:30 PM. He succeeds the Right Reverend Richard Lipka.
The Missionary Diocese of All Saints is an affinity based diocese (non-geographic) within the Anglican Church in North American that stretches across 16 states from coast to coast. All Saints was founded by Bishop William Ilgenfritz in 2009. The diocese was also sponsored by Forward in Faith North America, a founding organization for the ACNA. All Saints was accepted as a full diocese in June 2013. In 2021 Bishop Richard Lipka became the second Bishop to lead the diocese.
In the words of the 99th Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffery Fisher, "We have no doctrine of our own—we only possess the Catholic doctrine of the Catholic Church enshrined in the Catholic creeds, and those creeds we hold without addition or diminution. We stand firm on that rock."
We invite you to join us in the proclamation of the saving Faith of the Gospel once delivered by Christ to the Saints, the Faith of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, believed "everywhere, always, by all." (St. Vincent of Lerins).
The service will be held in Charles Town, WV at 6:30 p.m. at Church of the Ascension (70 Oakland Terrace, Charles Town, WV 25414). The doors will open to the public at 5:45 p.m.
On Saturday, March 22, special events throughout the day are planned to highlight the missionary zeal within the Anglican Way.
Livestream from the event will be shown on the Church of the Ascension's Youtube channel here or on Ascension's Facebook page.
Travel Details:
Dulles International Airport is the closest airport to the church. It is between 45 minutes and an hour away depending on rush hour traffic.
Arriving in the morning and early afternoon hours should ensure a light traffic commute to the church. Traffic is often minimal for weekend departures back to Dulles.
Within 1.5 hours are both Reagan National Airport (DCA) and Baltimore/Washington Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI).
(1) The Holiday Inn in Charles Town WV. Please call (304) 725 - 1330 to book your room.
(2) The Hampton Inn in Charles Town WV. Please call (304) 725 - 2200.
Other nearby towns with lodging are Martinsburg, WV and Harpers Ferry, WV.