Ascension is a church brimming with hope and expectant faith ~ strong Biblical preaching - dynamic encounter with the Holy Spirit - a community of faith and love - integrity of purpose & worship -  restoration, redemption, and  joy.

Online & In Person

Sunday Worship begins at 10:45, both for in-person attendance and live streaming online. Services are streamed here:

Weekly Worship Schedule

Tues/Thurs 6 AM Morning Prayer
Adult Sunday School - 9:30 AM      Friday Silent Prayer 11 AM
Morning Eucharist - 10:45 AM        Friday Noon Eucharist           

Nursery is provided during the Morning Eucharist.


About Church of the Ascension



The Bible is God's Word-written. Scripture soaks worship, prayer, and practice. This is what it means to be Evangelical. The Faith is taught by good Bible preaching and teaching. This is good news!  Trusting in Jesus as Savior and walking with Him as Lord is a personal call to each Christian, and for the whole Church. Breathing in Scripture and exhaling it back to God as prayer is a hallmark at Ascension.



The Holy Spirit fills the believer and the whole church. He directs the Church in mission, confirming the Word with signs and wonders. He indwells the Church like life-giving wind, purifying fire, and boldness to share the good news about Jesus. The Spirit helps us pray when we do not know how to pray. The Spirit comforts us in our grief. The Spirit inspires us to hope more deeply in the Promises of God in Christ Jesus.

Priest during a wedding ceremony/nuptial mass


The Sacraments are the effective means of grace, organizing how the Christian lives her personal life and how the whole Church celebrates new life in Christ. The sacraments give confident assurance to the Church of God's sure promises in Jesus Christ. The Church has 2 Gospel Sacraments, Baptism and Eucharist, and 5 other commonly called Sacraments, Absolution, Marriage, Ordination, Anointing, and Confirmation.

Ready to make a visit?

Have a question about our church? Would you like to learn more about what a Sunday at Ascension is like or have a prayer request?