More About Our Rector
Bishop Darryl & Becki Fitzwater
Rector & Bishop Coadjutor

Darryl and Becki have been married since 2000. They have 2 children, Aidan and Chloe. In 2003 Darryl started serving as a Senior Pastor in a traditional Pentecostal denomination, and Becki was working in elementary education. They have served churches in Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky, and West Virginia. In this time, Darryl served as a district official for his denomination, worked in foreign missions oversight, and helped with ministerial enrichment.
In 2012 they became Anglicans. Darryl was Ordained a Priest in 2017, and they started Church of the Ascension. His spiritual passions are to see people walk in the fullness of Christ, leadership development, and church growth/missions. Becki is a Licensed Professional Counselor. She holds her B.A. in Elementary Education, and a Masters in Professional Counseling.
+Darryl was consecrated as the Bishop Coadjutor for the Missionary Diocese of All Saints on October 4, 2024.

Fr. Mitch & Luwana Baker
Assisting Priest
Luwana and Mitch grew up five miles apart in rural northwest Missouri and were high-school sweethearts. They recently celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary, including over 50 years of ministry. Mitch has done supply work in a variety of denominations over the years. In the 80s they began work at what is now Regent University. In 2001 their family was led to Lee University in Cleveland, Tenn. They retired from Lee in 2017. In 2005 they planted a liturgical-charismatic church, Emmanuel Fellowship, joining the ACNA in 2015.

Fr. Tanie and Jacqueline Guy
Rev. Tanie and Jacqueline Guy are missionaries to missionaries. They are engaged in missionary care around the world. Over the past decade they have been heavily involved in supporting the people of Ukraine. Jacqueline is the President of the Daughters of the Ascension women's Religious Order. Tanie and Jacqueline devoted themselves to training in healing ministry with an array of teachings from such ministries as Restoring the Foundations, Christian Healing Ministries, Elijah House, Be In Health Ministries, Global Awakening Christian Healing , and The Life Model. Tanie is a Priest within the Anglican Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy.

Deacon Adam & Jess Ridgeway
Pastoral Assistant & Family Ministries Director
Adam Ridgeway was Ordained a Deacon on Jan. 26, 2025, the Feast of Saints Timothy and Titus. He has been on staff at Church of the Ascension as a Pastoral Assistant focusing on Family Ministries. He and his wife Jess have been married since 2012. They have theee children, Simon, Eliza, and Peter. Jess is pregnant with their fourth child now.
He is completing his Masters Degree at Nashotah House. Jess has her BA from Evangel University in Church Leadership and her Masters is from Kansas State University, in Education. Adam is also a US Army veteran of 8 years. He and Jess have helped in 3 church plants, served as youth and children's pastors, and have a desire to see people grow in grace.

Deacon Neil and Luanna Hansberger
Rev. Neil and Luanna have been married for 35 years. They have four children, one grandchild, three dogs, and a cat. Neil was ordained as a transitional deacon in November 2023 in the Missionary Diocese of All Saints. Neil began working here at Ascension in January 2024. Prior to that Neil and Luanna were lay volunteers for several years at Church of the Holy Spirit in Leesburg, VA. Prior to their marriage, both Neil and Luanna worked with Regeneration Ministries in Baltimore. Neil and Luanna are both full-time public-school teachers. Luanna has a bachelor’s degree in animal science and master’s degree in special education. Neil holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, a bachelor’s degree in education, and a master’s degree in physics education, and is currently working on a MDiv degree.

Bp. Phil & Jean Zampino (Retired)
+Phil and Jean are retired clergy with a life time of service in the Church. They have been pastors, mission team leaders, seminary founders, evangelists, and educators. When the Charismatic Renewal began, they spent time with Kathryn Kuhlman. They were key leaders in the Charismatic movement in the Baltimore, MD area in the 70s. He was Ordained a Bishop in the Charismatic Episcopal Church, and was a leader in the Mid-Atlantic area as a Bishop among the CEC. They were received into the ACNA by Bishop Guernsey in 2018. In their retirement, they have moved to the Harpers Ferry, WV area. They are part of the clergy team at Ascension.

Right Reverend Richard Lipka
Bishop Lipka is the Bishop Ordinary of the Missionary Diocese of All Saints and Bishop-in-residence at Holy Trinity. He was ordained a priest in 1966 in Rome, Italy. He has served as senior pastor of churches in several states on the mainland United States and in Hawaii in the Roman Catholic Church and the Episcopal Church. He has been active in the renewal movement in liturgical churches since 1978. He has taught seminars and written articles in the areas of practical application of the Bible to daily life. Bishop Lipka founded the Church of the Risen Lord in Honolulu, Hawaii and was consecrated Bishop of the Diocese of the Hawaiian Islands and the American Protectorates in the Pacific in 1995 for the Charismatic Episcopal Church. In 2004 he moved to Maryland to serve as the Diocesan Bishop for the Delmarva Peninsula. Bishop Lipka is a graduate of St. Mary’s College (B.A.); the Pontifical Gregorian University (S.T.B.); St. Mary’s Seminary (M.A.); and the University of Maryland (M.S.W.). He has pursued doctoral studies at Fuller Theological Seminary and the International College and Graduate School. He was part of the faculty of St. Michael’s Seminary (CEC) in Hawaii. He is a licensed clinical social worker and a diplomate of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. Bishop Lipka was born and raised in Wilmington, DE. He is married and the father of four. His wife, Susan, and his family, are active in ministries at Holy Trinity Cathedral and in the Diocese. Bishop Lipka has also agreed to serve Holy Trinity as Rector.

Todd DeBerry

Jenn Klejnowski

Nick Crouch

Chris Stokes