Recommended Materials

These texts are excellent resources for spiritual formation and development.

  • Bible with Duetero-Canonical Books (Apocrypha), English Standard Version
    The Diadem Reference Edition enlarges the classic and elegant text design of the Pitt Minion Edition, widely admired for its fine combination of readable text and efficient use of space. The beautiful Lexicon font retains the elegance of traditional Bible lettering, while offering the clarity of reading provided by modern fonts. The text is arranged in paragraph format and supported by centre-column cross-references, a comprehensive concordance, and 15 color maps. This attractive ESV hardback Bible features stunning cover artwork and includes the Apocryphal books which appear together in the centre of the Bible.

  • The Book of Common Prayer, 2019.         The Book of Common Prayer, from the first edition of 1549, has been the hallmark of a Christian way of worship and believing that is both catholic and reformed, continuous yet always renewing.  The Book of Common Prayer 2019 is the product of a new era of reform and restoration that have created the Anglican Church in North America. Like the Jerusalem Declaration of 2008, that located itself within the historic confines of what is authentically the Christian Faith and the Anglican patrimony, the Book of Common Prayer 2019 is offered to the same end.

  • To Be A Christian: An Anglican CatechismWith over 360 questions and answers, plus Scripture references to support each teaching, this Anglican Church in North America approved edition covers the full range of Christian doctrine and life, drawing from the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and other important doctrinal summaries.
  • St. Augustine's Prayer Book 
    Saint Augustine's Prayer Book is a book of prayer and practice―with disciplines, habits, and patterns for building a Christian spiritual life. It will help readers to develop strong habits of prayer, to thoughtfully prepare for and participate in public liturgy, and to nurture a mind and soul ready to work and give and pray for the spread of the kingdom. Saint Augustine's Prayer Book features "Holy Habits of Prayer," devotions to accompany Holy Eucharist, Stations of the Cross, and Stations of the Resurrection, and a wide range of litanies, collects, and prayers for all occasions.


  • St Bernard Breviary     The St. Bernard Breviary is everything needed for a sung Daily Office, according to the Book of Common Prayer (2019), bound between two covers. It includes all the text of the Offices, pointed for simple chants, the entire Psalter, pointed for plainsong, a 100-hymn hymnal, the Collects of the Christian Year, and all of the readings assigned by the Daily Office Lectionary printed in the lectionary sequence, taken from the English Standard Version.


  • The Gospel and the Catholic Church by Arthur Michael Ramsey
    The Church is a reflection the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Archbishop Ramsey (the 100th Archbisbop of Canterbury) argues that the various traditions within Christianity today express an aspect of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.


  • The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Vol 1. The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition by Jaroslav Pelikan
    The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition is the history of this critical, troubled time. Pelikan focuses upon the subtle relation between what the faithful believed, what teachers--both orthodox and heretical--taught, and what the church confessed as dogma during its first six centuries of growth. In constructing his work, Pelikan has made use of exegetical and liturgical sources in addition to the usual polemical, apologetic, and systematic or speculative materials. (From the book's back cover).



  • An Explanation of the 39 Articles by Alexander Forbes with preface from Clinton Collister
    Recent controversies in the Anglican Communion have called Anglican identity into question. In An Explanation of the 39 Articles, Forbes interprets the Articles in continuity with the wisdom of the Church Fathers... The book has been out of print for years, and this new edition answers the need for a guide to Evangelical Catholic theology that explains how the Articles represent the common mind of the Body of Christ. (From the Amazon page)


  • Deep Anglicanism by Gerald McDermott
    "Deep" means the root vision of traditional Anglicanism. It means digging down to see how the greatest Anglican minds and hearts saw the Trinitarian God, and the ways they saw this God come to his people through the Church of Jesus Christ. It means starting in the first centuries of Christianity in the British Isles and not simply the sixteenth century. It means exploring the wealth of Anglican spirituality in the 14th and 17th centuries.  (From Amazon page)


  • Re-formed Catholic Anglicanism by Charles Camlin, Charles Erlandson, and Joshua Harper
    For Anglicans, the words reform and catholic go together; the English Reformation was more about reforming, or better re-forming, the Medieval Western Church where she had drifted away from the Ancient Church. 


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Rugged Rosaries provide quality prayer ropes of various kinds. The website offers customization of the particular kinds of prayer beads and crosses to help focus the heart and mind in prayer. The photo above is an Anglican rosary. 


Appalachian Anglican brings the distinct flavor of the mountains and hollers of the Appalachian region to the global Anglican chorus. Weekly topics look at Church history, teaching, and liturgy. The variety is as varied as the autumn leaves on the mountains. Check in weekly for new episodes. Ecclesia Appalachia Missio Mundis.


Forward in Faith North America (FIFNA) is the catholic voice of Anglicanism in North America. We worship God the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, living and proclaiming the catholic faith as received in the Anglican tradition.

“We have no doctrine of our own—we only possess the Catholic doctrine of the Catholic Church enshrined in the Catholic creeds, and those creeds we hold without addition or diminution. We stand firm on that rock.”– The 99th Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffery Fisher

We invite you to join us in the proclamation of the saving Faith of the Gospel once delivered by Christ to the Saints, the Faith of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, believed “everywhere, always, by all.” (St. Vincent of Lerins)
