Who is Saint Patrick?
St Patrick grew up in the Romano-Briton area of England. He was captured as a young man by raiding Irish pirates who sold him into Irish slavery. While a slave he experienced a full conversion to Christ. He miraculously escaped his captors and returned home. He eventually became a priest who went on apostolic mission back to his captors. He is known as the Apostle to the Irish and is instrumental in the establishment of the Church among the Irish Celts. Read more below!
Fr. Dean Schultz will be ministering on Saturday afternoon and evening.
A significant focus of my ministry over the past four decades has been helping to make the history and biblical dynamics of Judeo-Christian worship come alive for Christians and spiritual seekers from many nations and worship traditions through multimedia-assisted teaching, ancient liturgies and creeds, signs, symbols, the visual and performing arts, Psalm-singing accompanied by Davidic and multiethnic musical instruments, and faith pilgrimages to the Holy Land, Greece, Turkey, and Rome to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and the Apostle Paul (not to mention the Old and New Testament saints).
Fr. Dean is an Anglican missionary priest who makes the history and biblical dynamics of Judeo-Christian worship come alive. He founded Worship Equippers for Christ, and serves as the Associate Rector of Church of the Holy Spirit in Leesburg, VA.

Prayer and Worship
While a slave, Patrick began to rely heavily upon the immediate nearness of Christ. His prayer life was immensely strengthened while in the wild caring for sheep. By means of a dream he escaped slavery and by another dream heard his call back as a missionary bishop. He is well known for the hymn that bears his name, "St Patrick's Breastplate." He would sing this when confronting worldly powers that caused others to fear. This hymn is filled with confessions and declarations of God's power and presence. Mingled with his spontaneous approach to prayer and praise is the shape and form of the holy liturgy. Patrick had an apostolic team comprised of almost 75 people. The team included Scripture copyists. It also included tailors who sewed and made all the liturgical linens and fabrics needed for worship.
A Word of Encouragement
Keryn Stokes, a member of the church, shares her testimony:
In May 2021 Pastor Rob spoke about HOLY BOLDNESS. I decided to be bold and for the first time in my life, ask for a specific prayer regarding my past. I expected to cry and feel very emotional yet as Pastor Willis prayed over me it was confirmed in my spirit that the healing had already taken place. This understanding set me free from feeling as though a part of me was broken and I was able to move forward from shame and fully into God's grace over this place in my life.
- Keryn Stokes

Spiritual Power Encounter
St Patrick's mission work was wrapped about with Spirit-empowered power encounters with Druids and other pagan forms of worship. Miraculous stories abound about Patrick causing those hostile to the faith to "fly backwards through the air." And in another case, a hostile druidic priest's "arm became as rigid as a stone." Examples of Patrick using holy water to heal the sick and restore horses further the saints miracle legacy. The legends about Patrick driving out demons from Ireland refers to the great spiritual renewal and transformation brought to the people through his ministry of spiritual signs and wonders.
Don't Miss Out on this Weekend!
Between the spontaneous worship and the prophetic musicology, the dynamic teaching and the robust preaching, the word of God will be proclaimed in Word and Sacrament with an ear to heaven for the witness of St Patrick's life and legacy. As his ministry impacted the rise of the Church among the Irish, so it is our prayer that the Lord would create fervent faith and generous hearts for days and times in which we live.
All are invited to these special services and to worship on Sunday at 10:45.